No waiting lists - NDIS, Medicare, DVA, Private Health Insurance, Aged Care Packages
Swallowing and communication assessments

Improve your voice and swallow
EMST or Expiratory Muscle Strength Training (as part of Respiratory Muscle Strength Training) is a relatively new treatment that can help improve people's breathing, cough and swallowing, with certain medical conditions. It is especially useful for those with Parkinson's Disease, Motor Neurone Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. We can help start you in a programme. Ask us how we can help you save money by purchasing our EMST package deal!!!

Save your voice
Message banking can be used for those with progressive diseases such as Motor Neurone Disease. It involves recording your favourite phrases and then storing these in your device for later. You can store any number of messages until you are ready to use them. We can help you do this and it's worth thinking about doing, well before any speech changes. Voice banking is also available but is more expensive.

Exercise your voice
for Parkinson's
Is your voice going quiet?
Do people always ask you to repeat yourself?
Enable are soon to be providers of "SpeakOut" therapy for Parkinsons
This is a programme to maintain/improve your voice function.
Suitable for frailer people and those in wheelchairs
Suitable for those with lower energy levels